
Non-destructive testing is a component of a complex system which accomplishes various functions throughout the entire life of the product, between the phase of designing and manufacturing. Users of the material testing results have reason to claim receipt of increasingly accurate and reliable results which allow for cost-efficient utilization. Such expectation justifies or even requires critical analysis and improvement of the methods, the development of innovative ones, together with the better education and further training of the experts assigned to the application of the new methods and careful examination of the quality of their knowledge, in other words, development of the trade.

The basic principle and purpose of this event is to provide the experts involved in non-destructive testing and using the test results and the designers, constructors, operators and supervisors of complex equipment to present and discuss their achievements, to intensify their personal relationships and to initiate new contacts. Furthermore, we intend to introduce current technical and scientific developments which make direct or indirect impact on our profession, without forgetting, of course, the novel technologies and approaches closely related to our views and attempts.

Representatives of foreign NDT associations having close contacts with MAROVISZ and experts of domestic organizations who understand and actively contribute to the specific objectives of the conference furthermore, the design and development engineers, manufacturers and operators who use the results of non-destructive tests have traditionally been invited to this event.