According to the number of incoming presentations and the participants’ preferences – as far as topics are concerned – the conference programme is divided into plenary talks and thematic sessions. During the opening session, invited speakers will give an overview about the present, the development, users’ demands, safety regulations, and expectations in the field of NDT.
You can register for the conference with two different types of presentation:
- oral presentation
- poster with short oral presentation
Details and conditions of full paper submission:
Deadline for submission of papers is 20 March, 2019 at the latest.
Papers must be submitted in docx format by e-mail or at latest at the registration desk of the conference.
The written version of the accepted presentations will be included in the conference programme and handed out to the participants, in printed format, during the registration.
We ask you to prepare the written version of the presentation, as follows:
- Title of the paper
- Full name(s) of the author(s) (please write out the full first names of authors and co-authors, no abbreviations will suffice)
- Affiliation of the author(s)
- In case of several affiliations / several authors, indicate the appropriate affiliation with a number in superscript
- The length of the full paper is not limited
- MS Word, Times New Roman Font, 12 pt font size, simple line spacing
- The text file must not contain any headers or footers
- Please avoid abbreviations, but if necessary, explain it at first use
Poster presentation
Posters can be fixed from 12:00 20 March 2019, at the beginning of the conference, and can be picked off before lunch 22 March.
Poster size: 84 x 119 cm standing (standard A0)
Pins will be ensured by the organizers.